5 August 2020 - On Monday night the first meeting of Friends of Jack was held. Slightly surprising broadband coped with the the number of people present.

The meeting agreed the group's constitution, its officers and the nomination document for the Jackal to become an ACV. This will now go to the Parish Council next Tuesday for them to approve and a joint nomination will be made shortly thereafter.

The final publicly available version of nomination document can be found here

27 July 2020 - Today we received our 85th online response to the online questionnaire about making The Jackal an ACV. Together with the 11 paper response - and discounting the 2 duplicates and one dissenter - that makes 93 supporters of making The Jackal an ACV.

21 July 2020 - Tonight the Parish Council agreed to make a joint application with the Friends of Jack to nominate The Jackal as an Asset of Community Value.

13 July 2020 - We have today started to distribute leaflets around Thurleigh to inform people about this website and ask their support in registering The Jackal as an Asset of Community value.